We’re so glad you’re here
We hope you find what you are searching for
We know Its Hard
You are more than your struggles
From one human to another, we know you want to be known and seen. We all do. But it can be down right terrifying to allow another to know and see you deeply; to know yourself undoubtedly.
When you walk away from this journey, we hope you will have confidence in who you are and who you want to become. We desire that you will have the skills to navigate life's stressors as they come and a support system to do it with.
Our values
We can have the best of intent, but without good communication, our message gets lost.
Therapy is a unique and individualized experience. We believe we can only do this well with you along side us.
Every human being deserves kindness. We hope you feel this here. You are welcomed.
Why Aspen Grove
If you are familiar with the Aspen tree in all its yellow brilliance, you may already have a sense of wonder for these beautiful organisms. But the name doesn’t derive from the tree just looking cool (all though it does, don’t get us wrong).
Aspen trees themselves, don’t commonly exist alone. They grow in groves. Even cooler… each Aspen grove is actually one giant living organism. Each Aspen within a grove is connected through a giant root system. They support each other from the ground up. Literally.
Aspen Grove Mental Health was born out of this concept; we are not meant to be isolated beings. We thrive with support and connection. Whether you are seeking to find this or expand this in your own life, we hope you find us as a catalyst for connection and healing.
Ashley’s Credentials
Ashley has practiced for over 7 years in the field of Marriage and Family Therapy. She has specialized in Aviation Therapy, Military/Veteran Therapy, Couples Therapy, Adolescent Grief and loss, Foster Care and Permanency and trauma informed practices.
Additionally, she focuses her time working with young adults and teens going through life transitions.
our Specialities
We work with a variety of different life topics, diagnoses and presenting issues. The following is not an exhaustive list: Anxiety, Depression, Life Transitions, Autism, Trauma, Grief & Loss, Childhood/Adolescent Grief and loss, Foster Care & Permanency, military/veteran individual and family member experiences and aviation community experiences.
We will provide a place to come every week to show up exactly as you are, with no fears of judgement. We will provide empathy and compassion as we ask questions to help you navigate these pains and difficulties you are going through.