
Helping therapists become their best self

At Aspen Grove Mental Health, we understand the importance of effective supervision in the journey towards licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist in Colorado (MFTC).

Becoming a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Colorado is a significant milestone, but the path to licensure can be complex and demanding. Our clinical supervision offering is designed to provide MFT-C’s with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to successfully complete their training and achieve licensure.

Meeting Colorado Regulatory Requirements

Our clinical supervision program is designed to meet the requirements set forth by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) for LMFT licensure. We ensure that our supervision hours, content, and supervision modalities align with state regulations and standards, providing MFT-C’s with confidence and peace of mind as they work towards licensure.

Experienced Leadership in Clinical Supervision

Led by Ashley, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), our clinical supervision program benefits from her extensive clinical experience and passion for supporting therapists in their professional growth. With a background in working with individuals across the lifespan—from birth through 70 years old—Ashley brings a wealth of expertise in addressing a wide range of presenting concerns, including trauma, couples therapy, military/veterans, aviation therapy, foster/adoption, autism, anxiety, and life transitions. She has a particular passion for working with children, teens, and young adults, fostering a nurturing environment for their emotional development and healing. Ashley's diverse professional background includes roles in community-based care, outpatient group practice, private practice, and providing both in-person and virtual therapy. Drawing from her experiences, Ashley is dedicated to training therapists to be well-versed in ethical and legal topics as they embark on their careers in the mental health field.

How Supervsion Works

  • Free Consultation

    Please reach out to schedule a free 15 minute consultation! Its important that both he supervisor and supervisees feel that it is a good fit moving forward.

  • Cost

    Cost per individual supervision session is a sliding scale (see below). Group therapy available at a later date and reduced cost per session.

  • Goals for Supervision

    We will collaborate together to develop what it looks like for you to be a therapist! This includes how you show up in the room, navigating challenging cases and enhancing your knowledge of legal and ethical issues that guide our field.

  • Expectations

    Supervision is an awesome opportunity to grow both personally and professionally. For best outcomes, we ask that you show up prepared and ready to dive in! Its a learning process, and we will learn as we go.

Sliding Scale for Supervision

As a therapist and supervisor, I believe accessibility is a core component of ethical care. My approach to supervision is grounded in attachment and trauma-informed principles. Centering safety, attunement, and mutual respect. Offering a sliding scale reflects those values. When we feel secure and resourced, we can show up more fully, not only for our clients, but for our own learning and growth.

This tiered model is inspired by the Green Bottle sliding scale, created by Alexis J. Cunningfolk, which invites us to look beyond income alone and consider the broader context of financial access, systemic privilege, and life circumstances. You're encouraged to select the rate that best reflects your current financial reality, no documentation required, just thoughtful self-assessment.

Abundant Tier (left bottle)

For those with financial stability. You can comfortably meet your needs, have savings, access to health care, and spend on non-essentials. Contributing at this level helps support the accessibility of supervision for others.

Sustainable Tier (Middle Bottle)

For those who can meet their needs and engage in occasional extras, but may have to make thoughtful choices or budget. This is the standard rate that helps sustain the practice.

Accessible Tier (right Bottle)

For those experiencing financial hardship, systemic barriers, or transitional periods. These limited spots are reserved for those who may otherwise be unable to access supervision.

I trust you to choose the tier that feels honest and sustainable for you. This model allows me to maintain a supervision practice that is both financially viable and values-driven, reflecting the same kind of secure base and mindful responsiveness I hope to model in our work together.


questions you may have

  • Sliding scale per individual hour of supervision. Group rates TBD.

  • Ashley is currently an AAMFT Supervisor in Training. She is expected to have full AAMFT Supervisor status by May of 2025.

  • At this time, Ashley is an approved supervisor in Colorado only.

  • Post Masters must complete a minimum of 100 hours (at least 50 of those individual) over a minimum of 24 months.

  • 2000 hours of total experience, 1500 of those must be direct client contact (of those 1500, 1000 must be relational).

If you have a question that we haven’t answered yet, please reach out!

Get in touch.